Choose Crescendo Dental for exceptional endodontic care. With a singular focus on providing superb treatment experiences and outcomes, their specialist dental office offers meticulous micro-endodontics and microsurgeries. Dr. Wang’s expertise ensures effective solutions for dental pain, trauma, and complex root canal cases that go beyond routine management techniques. Trust Crescendo Dental for personalized and outstanding root canal care for residents in Vancouver, Richmond and Burnaby.
Endodontics & Microsurgery
Endodontists save teeth by performing root canal treatments. At Crescendo Dental, Dr. Wang performs meticulous micro-endodontics and microsurgeries to treat dental pain, trauma, and complex root canal cases that may be unresponsive to routine management techniques or beyond your family dentist's usual scope of practice.
GentleWave® Procedure
The GentleWave® Procedure is an innovative alternative to standard root canal treatment that uses a powerful combination of procedure fluids and energy to clean the deepest, most complex portions of the root canal system—including the microscopic space that standard root canal treatments can miss. The GentleWave® Procedure is so effective at cleaning the root canal system that there’s less chance of failure over time.
Digital Radiography
X-ray procedures are an essential part of quality endodontic therapy. A major emphasis in our office has been acquiring technology that minimizes the already low radiation required. Digital radiography offers up to 80% reduction in radiation compared to traditional film technology, and it is also environmentally friendlier since there are no chemicals and waste products involved.
3D Digital Imaging CBCT
Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT) is an important diagnostic tool in modern endodontics. It delivers high-resolution, detailed images of your teeth and surrounding anatomical structures in 3 dimensions. The 3D systems give a very low dose of radiation because of their very narrow field of focus. For carefully selected patients, a CT scan is of tremendous value in evaluating your teeth and planning and selecting the best treatment plans for you.
We understand that each patient is unique and requires individualized care. Our dedicated staff regularly treats root canal problems / root canal related issues and addressing specific issues that patients may have. We are experienced in providing effective solutions for a range of dental problems. Rest assured that our team is here to help and provide the necessary remedies during your appointments with us.