3D Digital Imaging

3D Digital Imaging
CBCT (Cone Beam Computerized Tomography)

Our state-of-the-art cone beam CT technology is a valuable addition to our endodontic practice. This advanced diagnostic tool surpasses the capabilities of traditional digital X-rays by providing highly detailed, three-dimensional images of your teeth and surrounding anatomical structures. The cone beam CT system offers exceptional resolution and precision, allowing us to thoroughly evaluate your dental condition and develop optimal treatment plans.
One of the significant advantages of our cone beam CT technology is its ability to capture these detailed images using a very narrow field of focus, significantly reducing patient radiation exposure. This ensures that we prioritize your safety and well-being while delivering comprehensive and accurate diagnostic information.
Utilizing cone beam CT scans is particularly beneficial for carefully selected patients. It enables us to evaluate complex dental cases, identify intricate anatomical structures, and plan the most appropriate and effective treatment strategies tailored to your needs.
With our commitment to employing the latest advancements in endodontics, we aim to provide you with the highest standard of care. The incorporation of cone beam CT technology allows us to enhance diagnostic precision and improve treatment outcomes, ultimately ensuring optimal dental health and satisfaction.

Book an Appointment

We will schedule your appointment as promptly as possible. If you have pain or a dental emergency, every effort will be made to see you on the same day. We try our best to stay on schedule and will not overbook patients. Due to the fact that we do METICULOUS endodontic treatments, various circumstances may lengthen the time required. Emergency cases can also arise and cause delays. We appreciate your understanding and patience.